Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The easy way out...

One of the side effects of having a movie blog is that I feel obligated to write about every movie I watch. Obviously I could choose not to write about absolutely every single movie I see. But then I would disappoint all the people whose only chance to experience the joy of watching a film is to live vicariously through me by reading my blog. And I wouldn’t want to do that now, would I?

The problem arises when I go on a film-watching spree and suddenly find that I’m about 5 or 6 reviews behind in my movie-to-blog ratio. So for the first time in the history of this blog I’m going to give you, the reader, the chance to decide which movie I’ll review next. Below is a poll on the last five movies I’ve watched. Vote for the one you want me to review in detail. The other four will get tiny, simple reviews.

I’ll tally the votes on Friday and write the review on Saturday.

If this poll thing actually works, I’ll likely be using it a lot more in the future to get your opinions. Aren’t blogs fun?!

So let’s hear it...
Which movie should be reviewed next?
The Count of Monte Cristo
Apollo 13
The Pianist
Free polls from Pollhost.com

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