Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I used to think that was good?!?

For those of you who like to keep tabs on my DVD collection and Wishlist (and I know you all do!), you'll notice that Batman Forever is currently on that latter list. I used to own it on VHS and can remember watching it numerous times. As it turns out, I think I was either suffering from a mental condition or I was sniffing glue. Industrial strength glue. The kind they use on the space shuttle. Er...yeah.

I just happened to catch the first 10 minutes of Batman Forever on TV this evening and I can't believe how corny and ridiculous that movie really is. Especially since I have such fond memories of it. (Did I just end two sentences in a row with a preposition?) I guess I appreciated Jim Carrey's humor. And let's be honest, how can you go wrong with Nicole Kidman? But ultimately, this is just bad writing, worse set design and terrible everything else. I submit exhibit A, the opening lines of the film:

(As Batman prepares to enter the ridiculous Batmobile and save the world)
Alfred: Can I persuade you to take a sandwich, sir?
Batman: I'll get drive-thru.

I would submit exhibits B through Z, but I think it might make my blog explode.

Sorry 'Batman Forever'. We had some good times, but I've grown. I've changed. It's time we moved on. I think we both knew it wasn't going to last. It's not you, it's me. No's most definitely you. Drive-thru?! What were you thinking?!


Carol said...

allo tom nice reviews i do indeed like them later carol

Glooskap said...


Yes, it would be very cool if you put a link to my blog. I will do the same.

I like your is different than most people's. With your reviews and things. Very, very cool!

Hopefully I'll see you on Sunday, mister!