This past Saturday was the date of the
Ultimate Star Wars Ridiculathon 2006. Me and four good friends sat down at 9:00am and proceeded to watch all six Star Wars films, in chronological order. That’s right campers, over 13 hours of Star Wars! As I’m sure you can imagine, it was fantastic!
"The boy is dangerous. They all sense it, why can't you?"
With ample snacks and drink at hand we began with Episode I: The Phantom Menace. Obviously the prequel trilogy does not compare to the original films, but I liked this first instalment. The pod race scene is one of my favourites, especially since it looks and sounds so amazing. Jake Lloyd’s acting is pretty forced in most of the scenes and the use of CG effects is rampant. But in the end it was a great way to start the day and we all were looking forward to Episode II.
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
Of all the Star Wars films Episode II: Attack of the Clones is my least favourite. This one really looks like a cartoon. Way too many CG effects. And the relationship between Padme and Anakin really feels forced and cliché. After watching the rest of the films I can appreciate the events and emotions that Lucas is trying to set up, but it all feels too corny. Don’t get me wrong, it was great to watch. But I won’t lie and say it wasn’t good to have it out of the way either.
"It was you who would bring balance to the Force, not leave it in darkness!"
After a quick lunch, and the first barbecue of the year, we started up Episode III: Revenge of the Sith. This is definitely the best of the three prequels and really does a great job of setting up Darth Vader’s character. I was impressed with Anakin and could easily believe he would turn into the Dark Lord we’re so amazed with in Empire and Return of the Jedi. It’s a successful setup of the next three films, which is critical given their popularity and importance.
"I'm Luke Skywalker. I'm here to rescue you!"
Episode IV: A New Hope. This is where it all began and it was very interesting to watch it again in the context of Episodes I, II and III. Obi-Wan and Darth Vader really benefit from the back-story of the prequels. Several moments even made more sense than they did before. It’s totally believable that Vader would hop into a TIE-fighter and take on the Rebel attackers. One thing we learned from the first three films is that Anakin was not only a great pilot, but he loved it too. It was moments like these that made the day so enjoyable. And it only got better.
"Impressive. Most impressive."
We decided to skip dinner, thanks to copious amounts of snack food already consumed, and launched right into Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. My personal favourite of all the Star Wars films, Empire was better than ever. Darth Vader’s evil moments were that much more intense with memories of Anakin’s turn to the dark side only hours earlier in the day. His obsession with Luke was more understandable as well as his devotion and obedience to the Emperor. We also all agreed that Yoda was no longer playing with a full deck after spending so many years in exile on Dagobah. And the banter among the characters was as good as it got in any of the films.
"I am a Jedi, like my father before me."
By now it was 11:00 at night and we were ready for the final chapter, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. Oddly enough, I had always thought of the title as referring to Luke alone. As in, the Return of one Jedi named Luke. Having watched the destruction of the Jedi in Episode III it suddenly occurred to me that the Jedi in Episode VI was much more ‘global’. Return of the Jedi Order is what is implied and it was an incredible concept given that we had just watched the Jedi get wiped out by Vader and the Emperor. Luke fulfils the prophecy and finally brings balance to the force. The final climactic battle was that much more intense as we had experienced the entire saga from beginning to end in one sitting.
We ended the day at 1:00am, right on schedule. I had expected it to be a really long day but it actually went a lot faster than I thought. Certainly much faster than the Lord of the Rings Extended Ridiculathon, which is actually shorter in terms of movie length. We all had a great time and my own appreciation for the Star Wars saga grew to new heights.
So, many thanks and congratulations to Vince, Dave, Scott and Brian for surviving the day! Vince, your shrimp-ring defrosting powers are weak. Dave, thanks for bringing a fine collection of memorabilia. Scott, tell Megan I'm sorry that you now have to spend all your money on a surround sound system. And Brian, I don't like sand either. An honourable mention goes to Anne and Helen for bringing even more delicious snacks. And last, but certainly not least, a big honourable mention goes to my wife, Shauna, who not only encouraged me to have a Star Wars marathon, but let us watch them ridiculously loud as well. Thanks angel!
Now I can start planning the next Ridiculathon. Will it be Lord of the Rings again? Perhaps Indiana Jones or The Matrix? So many wonderful choices. I love movies.
"Everything that transpired did so according to our design." It was a day very well spent. I havn't had to eat since either. I liked seeing the preogression for sure. It is also true that many scenes made more sense having seen the build up. I do have to say, though, that the fact I have watched ANH over 20 times means that I know every score change, background noise and lighting shift inside out and backwards. Why do I make this point? Well, I have already pieced together a history of the characters and their motivations in my head so to now have the "real" history it is difficult to change my thinking. Star Wars is truely a cult movie and each line has taken on a life of its own. It is far more than just the conclusion of episodes 1-3. Having said that, I am torn. I am a purist for this reason, but now that I have seen the whole package as one, I would almost like to see a new, extended length instalment of the original trilogy with more tie-ins to the prequels. There was some good work done in the Special Edition, but now I think there could have been more just to make it something new to watch. I really enjoyed the Emperor scene in ESB for example, because it made it part of the whole 6 part story rather than viewing it in it's cult form. Does anyone else understand what I am on about? "Don't call me a mindless philosopher, you overwieght glob of grease!"
Just be thankful that I didn't pee on the shrimp ring to defrost it. Ha!
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