Monday, February 05, 2007

What happened?

Well it's been over a month since my last blog entry and I can't help but notice that my entries prior to that were somewhat sporadic. What happened? When did blogging about movies start feeling like a chore? I've been thinking about that a lot lately and quite frankly I don't have a good answer.

Is this the end of 'Down in Front'? I certainly hope not, but it does look like I need to figure out why blogging started to feel like a "must do" instead of a "get to". Perhaps a change in my review-style is needed? Maybe fewer, full-length reviews and shorter, more frequent blog entries on movie-related topics would be better? It's something I need to figure out and I would love your input on the subject.

Despite my lack of blogging material I have been watching plenty of movies and enjoying them more than ever. The DVD collection is growing to obscene proportions and I'm ok with that. More importantly, and critically, my wife is ok with that. Thanks Shauna, I love you more than movies!

Some of you may have noticed that the link to my collection and wishlist has not been working. I have now switched to a new site ( and I must say that it is very impressive. The link to the right should be working now and I encourage you to take a look. The statistics page is very interesting. You can use the tabs along the top of the page to see which movies I own, which ones I want to own (hint, hint), which ones I've been watching and occasionally which one I'm going to be watching next! It's a DVD collector's dream come true!

In the mean time I'll be thinking hard about this blogging thing. I don't want my blog to die as so many tend to do. Hopefully you'll be hearing from me again soon and hopefully I'll hear from you with some thoughts or suggestions.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What have I seen lately:

Good: V for Vendetta, The Departed, Blood Diamonds, Blckhawk Down, Rob Roy, Casino Royale

Surprisingly good: The Matador, Me, You & Dupree

Lacking: Flyboys, Superman Returns, The Wickerman