It's nice to know that one of my favorite movies of all-time has it's own International Day. Too bad it's not an International Day-off. Maybe I should start lobbying for that. Then we could all take May the 4th off to watch the Star Wars Trilogy. I think I would be a-okay with that.
In other Star Wars news, it looks like the original trilogy is going to be released on DVD. Again. Actually, this will be the 3rd release of the original trilogy on DVD. Due to overwhelming demand for the unaltered original version, Lucas is releasing this next edition in September which will include the theatrical versions of the original trilogy. That's right Star Wars fans, we'll be able to see Han Solo shoot first! Finally!
Of course, this means I will have to buy yet another copy of Star Wars. This will be my 5th version of the trilogy. Sigh...I'm so weak.
You can read about the upcoming release here: http://www.starwars.com/episode-iv/release/video/news20060503.html
Have a great Star Wars day! And remember, the 4th will be with you...always.
Especially in May. Right after the 3rd.
*See Wikipedia definition of 'w00t' here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woot
(I've been playing too much World of Warcraft lately.)